All of the services listed below are available for patrons and residents alike. Cash will be required for some services and others may accept credit/debit.
- You will need a drivers license or state id with a Sauk Village address. If the address is different on your driver's license or state id, then you will also need three pieces of mail with your current Sauk Village address.
- A piece of mail with the same name and address as stated on your i.d./drivers' license with a date on it within the last 30 days.
- * (Bank statements, utility bills, and voters' registration cards are accepted. LEASES ARE NOT ACCEPTED!!)
If under the age of 18...
- The parent or legal guardian must live in the McConathy Public Library District. (The legal guardian must provide court papers.)
- The child must be at least six years of age or in kindergarten.
- The parent or legal guardian must present a current Illinois Drivers License with their current Sauk Village address.
- The parent or legal guardian must present a current (within 30 days) piece of mail banks statement, voter registration or utility bill.
- The parent or legal guardian will sign for their child accepting full responsibility for all items checked out on the card, including items checked out on their child’s card for others.
- Bring in your expired McConathy Public Library card and an ID or Driver's License
- Pay any fines if needed (includes other member household fines)
- Review the user record information to ensure it is accurate update any information if necessary
- Review the cardholder agreement
- Your card will be good for another 365 days
The images below are design choices for your new library card

- S.W.A.N. cardholders are free to checkout items from us.
- Books have a loan period of 2 weeks.
- T.V. series have a 2 week loan period
- DVDs and CDs have a loan period of 1 week.
- Late fee for DVD:$2.00 per item for each day overdue.
- Late fee for new books .25 cents per day.
- late fee for old books .10 cents per day.
- Late fee for kid books .05 cents per day.
- Renewals may be done in person (library card and item required) or here through the catalog website. New items may not be able to be renewed.
- Renewal attempts may fail if the item has a hold on it or if it has been renewed previously. (Renewal limit 0 - 2 renewals. May vary per item, library etc.)
Computer usage is not free!
- All fines must be paid before computers can be used!
- *With a valid library card you can gain access to our computers. $1.00 per hour or any portion of the hour(1-60mins)
- With a valid ID/Drivers License (from any state) $2.00 for the 1st hour and $1.00 for anything over the 1st hour
- $.10 per black & white page per side
- $.50 per color page per side
- $2.00 for the first page and .50 each additional page per fax.
- A confirmation page is provided stating if the fax goes through or not.
- $1.00 per page 8.5 x 11
- Done by a staff member
- Quick and easy same day service
- $1.00 per signature
- Do not sign your name prior to the notary being present
- Call beforehand to ensure availability
Want materials from another library?
You can use your card at over 70 other libraries! This can be for checkouts and *services. Card holders can also place items on "Hold" online or by phone in order to ensure a spot for materials they are interested in.
*May vary by location